Wednesday, January 23, 2013


One day I will write about the horrible crap that a body suffers post-pregnancy.  Today is not really that day.  However, I will say that you don't really skip your period while you are pregnant, you simply save it up until you aren't.  We'll get back to that in another post.

Today, I want to bitch about is the inconsistency of life.

I'm not talking about the ups and downs we experience every day.  I'm not talking about the overcast view of the questionable future.  I'm talking about the fact that my normal 28 day cycle is no longer.  There is no more "starting" every fourth Sunday.  There is no scheduled visit from Aunt Flo.  There isn't even an inkling of even expectation.

So, I started using some ovulation test strips.

Yes.  I have officially peed on more strips this month than a drunk frat boy walking home from the bars.

The bright side is that seeing a positive LH surge is nearly as exciting as getting that beautiful positive from a pregnancy test.  Let the angels sing!  Halle-frickin'-lujia!  At least I know I'm still functioning.

That is where we are.