Friday, June 1, 2012


RESTROOM LOCATION:  Cheesecake Factory at St. Louis Galleria
# of VISITS:  2 (though I wish I would have gone for #3 before I went to Macy's)
RESTROOM STYLE:  Several stalls.  Standard partial wall and door.
DECOR:  Very dark.  Modern tiles.  LOUD MUSIC.  WTFOMGBBQ?!?!
REVIEW:  I expected goodness in this restaurant despite some of the sleezy looking clientel.  The picture above is my view from the pot.  The stall I chose was a baby-changing / handicap stall.  It had its own sink.  I just had to wonder if the other women in the restroom thought I neglected to wash my hands as I walked past the other sinks.  I would definitely use this in case of emergency.  If it weren't for the blaring music, I probably would make special trips here when I was out and about.  ;)

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