Wednesday, March 27, 2013


With every day that passes, I am growing a baby.  I am reminded of this every time I feel like I haven't eaten in weeks (this is not a waxing feeling), every time I feel like I could sleep for days (what?  Did I fall asleep at 7?)  It's hard.  You know what else is hard?  My poop.  Seriously.  I have to work at that shit.  This is classic pregnancy shit right here.  Shit.

Meanwhile, the words I am about to type have been hustling through my head since Monday. . .

I feel like if I were to hold a mirror to investigate my Girlie Junk, I would need something a little more potent than a hand mirror.  I know that the increased blood flow to that "area" make things feel a bit more, ummm, interesting.  But, let's be honest. . . I feel like my goods must look like elephantitis took hold - can I wear this thing like a hat?  Mammoth Mons.  Leviathan Lips.  Colossal Cootchie.  Jumbo Junk. 

Despite what the books say, I personally have not taken on a purplish hue.  I think that might freak me out more than feeling like I have a Planetary Pubis.  Yeah.  I'm done.


Number1ArmyDiva said...

Beautiful image of you and your phat rabbit as I sit in Denny's with my IPad sipping coffee.

s00zi said...

I just choked on my apple (which I healthily chose over pulled pork).

I <3 you!