Given that the Hub is driving an hour (one frickin' way) for work every day and I recently started my Leave of Absence (doesn't LoA make you think of "Sit on my Face"?) I need to release a few things into the webiverse. . .
* Laying down on my side relieves the contractions that seem to come whenever the baby has a kicking fit, I've been upright too long or I'm under too much stress.
* I love feeling the baby move, but let me be clear: it gets trying when it feels like he is trying to kick my belly button into an outie.
* The baby just rocked my world so hard that the iPad switched from upright to landscape view. He totally read my mind on that last bullet.
* Even if I am not working for a while, I am going to continue to keep getting up during the week. I want to keep a normal sleep schedule. Now, to find something I can fill in the time with. . . Crosswords, craft projects, reading. . .
* This actually isn't a freak show. By, it feels that way at times.
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