Thursday, July 11, 2013


Last night, I couldn't sleep.  This seems to happen the night before an ultrasound.  Also, I'm a professional back sleeper and this side sleeping shit is for dummies.  Word.

I might have mentioned that I have been having some contractions.  Maybe I should specify that I don't feel contractions like a normal person.  Therefore, I only really know that I'm having one if I happen to be touching myself (not like that, you pervert) and my belly gets hard.

Today, the Hub and I, accompanied by my awesome SIL, went I for the anatomy and anomaly scan.  (We'll talk about the results in a minute.). In other words, the BIG ultrasound.  A few things sparked some concern, namely my extreme discomfort laying on my back for the scan, prompted my nurse to sit me in an exam room to wait for the doctor.

After examining my cerclage and cervix and determining that there is no softening, the cerclage is long and till very "high up in there" I was told to relax and take things slow and easy.  You know me. Slow ('cause I'm big) and easy (no, just no.)

The good news is that my cervix is 4cm+ and everything is looking good.  We could even see my cerclage stitches in my cervix.  We caught actual visual evidence of my child pushing with BOTH feet off of my bladder and rocketing upwards to the top of my uterus.  The little jerk!

The baby measured beautifully and my due date has shifted quite a bit. . . But, we are not changing anything on paper.

In conclusion (doesn't that sound official?), I'm not going to Chicago for the weekend, I will be working from home the next two weeks until they can measure my cervix safely again. . . And, I have weeky appointments until I'm past my 26th week.

That is a plan.

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