Monday, August 13, 2012


After a long day at work, I met the Hub at our 18 week OB appointment.  As mentioned on Friday, I had a boatload of questions that desperately needed answers. . . we'll get to that in a moment.

Right now, I need to make a statement for the betterment of public safety.  Today, this second Monday in August turned out to be "take your whole fucking family to the OB GYN" day.  Upon arrival, I found my Hub surrounded in the waiting area by seeming hoards of people.  There were even a couple MMs (Moron Mothers) who parked their brats in front of the doors.  Seriously.  Leave your family at home.  Or, set them in the hallway until you get your name called.  The chairs are for the actual clients - not their entire extended family.  Remember, I'm not above opening the door a little too fast, people.  You have been warned.
Okay.  Back to the answers. . .

1.  Inversion positions in yoga, handstands and inversion tables are acceptable.  Thankfully, back pain has not been my main complaint as of late.

2.  Chances are one of the reasons I am waking up is because I am on my back.  No worries.  Better news?  I am allowed a WHOLE Unisom for insomnia.  Sweet sleepy pills of joy!  I'm on it.

3.  There isn't a whole lot to be done for the round ligament pain.  But, it was gently suggested that I stop moving so fast. . . Right.

4.  The bad news was concentrated.  I have gestational carpal tunnel syndrome.  This accounts for the swelling, the pins and needles, the numbness, the pain and the ARRGH! I feel in the morning.  I have a referral to "a hand guy" who happens to be an ortho guy who specializes in hands.  My Doc thinks that since I am already having such a shitty time, I am going to get worse.  I think we all see the Cortisone shots in my future.  I'll gladly suffer the burning Hell that is Cortisone if it will do away with my hurty hands.

So. . . as per usual, I got to pee in a cup and write my name on said cup with my own Sharpie.  (It cuts down on user germs.)  Then, there was the life-affirming Doppler check.  The Spitfire's heart rate is around 155.  Good stuff.

I'll get back to my typical complaining later.  Check!

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