Thursday, August 16, 2012


This morning, I got up when the dog was running circles on the bed - as per usual - trying to wake-up the Hub.  Usually, I sleep through this knowing that I have another hour to luxuriate in my nest of pillows and memory foam.  Today, however, I was on a mission.

In the past three days, the Gestational Carpal Tunnel has gotten worse.  In the mornings, it is PAINFUL to hold my toothbrush.  I can't seem to extend my fingers past the Quasimodo position. . .
So, rather than sacrifice my usually beautiful dental devices, I visited my friendly, albeit quirky Ortho Guy.

The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in my right hand (also my dominant hand) is so much worse than my left that the doctor commented that I have near zero strength.  I suppose this helps explain the difficulties gripping lately.  He prescribed some exercises and two GIANT SHOTS OF CORTISONE.

Yes.  One in each wrist.  Holy Moly, Roly Poly.  I don't know if you have ever had Cortisone shots (anywhere) but they HURT!  I'll be honest here.  My eyes misted up.  It feels like dying, stabbing, burning.  BREATHE, SUPID!!!  OMGWTFBBQ!?!??!!?  But, it's worth it.  Really.  Like the baby.  Cortisone shots make the bad stuff go away - whether it be hives, inflammation, hurtiness. .

After the doctor and his assistant finished, I was left with two DOT band-aids (one on each wrist) and a small risk of infection.  Yes.  I look like the victim of the world's tiniest suicide attempt.  Times two.
I am happy, however, to say that there is only slight numbness left in my right fingertips.  The pain seems to have melted away. . through the pain.  I can almost make a fist again.  Almost.  I hope this lasts the 2 to 3 months as expected.  I can't see doing this every month.

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