Saturday, May 12, 2012


Yes.  I am home with the dog on a Saturday night.  The Hub is visiting family and I stayed in the city to celebrate Mother's Day early with my Mum.  I've been watching The Wall and googling random stuff.


The reason I bring this up is because you can find EVERY point of view on pregnancy issues if you look hard enough.  In fact, you don't even have to look very hard because the good folks at Google manage to make it easy for you.

Thursday Night is my Trap League.  About 2pm in the afternoon, I had the brilliant realization that it might not be the best hobby - considering all of the lead shot in each shell. 

Cue:  the first call to my OB.

While waiting on hold, I masterfully browsed the links I pulled up. . . WAIT FOR IT. .
"shooting trap while pregnant" 

Now, I'll let you in on something. .  I found plenty of people who stated that shooting Trap was the equivalent of eating a bucket of lead paint with a funnel.  I found equally as many people who stated that as long as you washed your hands and face with cold water after shooting, you wouldn't absorb enough lead to hurt your baby.  OMGWTFBBQ?!?!  I might absorb the lead through my pores because they enlarged when I splashed them with hot water?!?!!  Then, of course, there were the folks who cautioned that as long as I didn't eat the lead shot, everything would be fine.

It is important to point out that these fine experts ranged from some seemingly crazy moms who likely smother their children with more than love, NRA shooting coaches and hunters (who I'm sure took all kinds of Anatomy and Physiology classes), those proclaiming themselves to be doctors and nurses. . and all of these were bolstered by a small group of well meaning fathers.

When my doctor picked up, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I should be just fine in my current state. In fact, it is probably good to let off a little steam in what one of the Hub's books defines as the DefCon1 Crazy stage.

So, off I went to my league and shot an amazing 100 rounds.  Yes, I'm awesome.

The reason I tell this really boring-ass story is that I want to make sure you talk to your doctor - not mine.  It's my version of an idiot-clause.  What is right for me is not always going to be right for you.  What worked for me isn't guaranteed to work for you.  Get where we're going?  Good.  Now, go out and have some fun!

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