Tuesday, May 29, 2012


It was a hellaciously long weekend and if I had it to do over, I would have spent the majority of it sleeping.  The exhaustion is kicking my ass.  Doesn't my baby deserve to have a well rested environment?

The best way to procure the rest my body seems to necessitate is to nap on the fly.  Here are a few examples from my weekend:

*  On the drive to Bloomington, Illinois from St. Louis, make sure to doze off between funny conversation with the Hub and a plethora of Rest Areas.

*  Between the dry wedding reception and the poolhall afterparty, stop in to the hotel room and catch a quick 5 minutes of drool-inducing coma.

*  After the Hub keeps you out two hours laters than bargained - forcing you to drink Sprite with a lime garnish that looks suspiciously like a Vodka Tonic, make sure to crap all over him and make him sleep in the other full sized bed in the hotel room.  Really, we both knew that we weren't sleeping in one.  Full sized beds are for children and anorexia-laden adults.

*  When the Cracker Barrel gives you the world's fastest service and you still have plenty of energy to visit Blain's Farm and Fleet, you might get stuck driving home.  To St. Louis.

*  Reward yourself with a visit to Joannie's Pizza for a Meat Pie and a double order of Spinach-Artichoke Toasted Ravioli.

*  After gorging, fall asleep on the couch with a Mini Schnauzer in your lap and the Hub face-planting into the adjacent cushion.

*  Skip the BBQ your friends have planned because all of the energy in the world is being forcibly sucked from your body and you don't want to battle the drinking issue.

Sunday was not as restful, but it was full of eating.  So, really, I consider it to have been a well-balanced weekend.  I am hopeful that in another 5 weeks, this part will be finished.

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