Monday, October 7, 2013


Ladies, have you ever been kicked in the crotch?  Perhaps not IN the vagina, but maybe up front?  Fellas, you might think you own the angst that comes with crotch-kicking.. but, you are wrong.

Last night, I hopped out of the shower and started my routine. . wrapped in a large bath sheet (for those uncivilized folk, a bath sheet is a really ginormous towel).  I prepared my toothbrush and headed towards the living room to see just what the Hub was watching on TV.  I only made it half way there before I doubled over in pain and felt like I was going to die.


Sometimes, when the baby re-adjusts himself or stretches in the right way, extreme pressure is exerted upon the pelvic bone.  At this time, it feels like a bolt of lightning is striking and finding a lightning rod in the front of your junk.

Picture this:  Me, writhing and foaming from the mouth with toothpaste.  My Hub turning off everything in the living room - because, like parking, you have to turn down the sound - then racing to the kitchen to procure a large bowl and a bottle of water so that I could rinse my mouth out and not be in danger of inhaling toothpaste foam.  Yeah.  My house was a circus.

Two minutes later, it passed and I was able to breathe through my face again.  While the pain is gone, the memory of it is still sharp.  I think I have PTSD.  Seriously.  I can't even move fluidly because I'm afraid that I will do something to set it off again.  Horrible.

On this celebration of 33 weeks, please keep your pregnant friends in your thoughts when you see dark clouds coming!  =)

1 comment:

Number1ArmyDiva said...

I hate the feeling of gas in my belly (even as we speak) so I don't want to imagine the feeling of a future linebacker doing suicide drills in my stomach. I'm praying for you boo boo