Thursday, October 3, 2013


On Tuesday, both the Hub and I got our Flu Shots.  As usual, my body felt like shit for two days and I am just now starting to get back to normal.  I used to think that a physical reaction to a dead viral vaccination was psychosomatic, but I'm not so sure anymore.

I didn't feel like I had been hit by the Flu Truck, but I definitely had some snot and some achy muscles.

Fast forward to this evening. . . when I used the toilet and when I wiped, it looked like I had blown clear green boogers all over the toilet paper.  Wrong end, people.

Being the inquisitive (read: complete paranoid) person that I am, I examined it and even smelled it.  Nothing seemed out of order.  Except for the snot that seemed to be coming from my VAGINA.

Fast forward a little bit more to where I finish reading a few hundred medical journal articles and every pregnant woman's account of losing her mucus plug. . . and I am pretty sure part of my mucus plug has been loosed.

I have an appointment tomorrow with my OB.  I have a feeling he will be unconcerned - as 32-33 week is a pretty normal time to start "shedding" the plug.  (Is this where "sloughing" would be appropriate?)

Just a stab in the dark here. . but I am going to guess that I go into labor in a few weeks.

More to come. . . post appointment.

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